Sunday, February 12, 2012

Do you agree?
1. Saturday classes are pointless: Extra classes in addition to the two public holidays allocated for Chinese New Year. Thus poor turnout, teachers are less inclined to teach.
2. Teachers are on leave, a relief teacher is sent. Therefore, no lesson conducted.
3. Disciplinary issues to be resolved, a discipline teacher can som
etimes miss lessons or come into class almost at the end of the lesson.
How to Respond to an Angry Student via Email or Poison Pen Letter

  • Do not respond immediately. Wait two or three days and carefully consider your response.
  • Use a professional tone.
  • Address the student by name.
  • Deal with only the issue brought up in the email.
  • Do not address personal matters via email. (If you need to address such issues, use the telephone.)
  • Limit your response to two or three lines. (“The more you write, the more ammunition you’re giving them to get angry all over again,” Brown said.)
  • Close “Respectfully, [your name].”

Bring in all elements of love
Teachers should not only teach but make it a point to nurture and interact with their students.
Sometimes all it takes is a hug and some counselling to bring about positive changes in a student.

Stamping Out Teen Smoking
Do’s and Don’ts for Parents: Keeping Teens Smoke-Free
1. Do take nicotine addiction seriously.
2. Don’t assume teens know the dangers. 
3. Do talk about (immediate) health consequences and the cost.
4. Don’t underestimate your own influence.
5. Do talk to your child’s healthcare provider, athletic coaches, and guidance counselors. The more caring adults who know your child smokes, the better.
6. Don’t turn cigarettes into a “forbidden fruit.” No-smoking rules are fine, but only if they are premised on the dangers associated with cigarettes, not just “Those are my rules and you must obey.” Make sure you tell your teen how much you admire and respect his or her decision not to smoke, or to quit.
7. Do look for help. 

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